Course Content
Introduction & History
- Snowflake History
- Evolution of Cloud platform
- Modern Data Architecture
- Value of Cloud data platform
- One Platform, One Data Copy ,Many Workload
Self Registration
- How to choose Snowflake Editions
- How to choose Cloud providers & Regions
- How to choose Compute & Storage pricing
- Create 1st SYSADMIN User
- Validating Snowflake Instance
Secondary Fields
- Components in Secondary Fields -> Protected Fields, Email
Components, Phone Number component, intel phone number
comp, address comp, signature comp, Hidden Comp
Triggering with Buttons
- Introduction to Buttons
- Triggering components with buttons
- Navigation using buttons
- Triggering single and Multiple Components with btn
Snowflake UI
- Detailed Explanation about Snowflake UI
Snowflake Architecture
- Shared Disk & Shared Nothing Architecture
- Snowflake Hybrid Architecture
- Layers of Snowflake
Virtual Warehouse(VWH)
- VWH concept (Shared Nothing Computer)
- VWH Size & Price (Snowflake Editions)
- VWH Properties (Auto Scaling & Others)
- Multi Cluster concept
- VWH Performance
- VWH Monitoring
- Data Warehousing Concepts
Container,Database,Schema & Tables
- Account & Container Theory
- Account ,Databases & Schema Level Objects
- Types of Tables
- Column Constraints
- Display & Describe Objects
File Loading through UI
- Explanation on File Format
- CSV File Load
- JSON File Load
- PARAQUET File Load
Snowflake Micro Partitions
- Partition Vs Micro Partition
- Performance Evaluation
Data Cloning Feature
- Zero Copy Cloning
- Objects that can be cloned
- Cost involved in cloning
- DB & Schema Cloning
- Roles & Grants Cloning
Time Travel Feature
- Data Protection & Time Travel Concept
- Time Travel & Snowflake editions
- Time Travel & Fail safe
- Time Travel for Permanent, Transient & Temporary Tables
- Account Level configuration for time travel
- Extended SQL for Time Travel & Keywords
- Cost of Time Travel
- Drop and Undrop Database ,Schema & Tables
- View Defintion
- Types of Views
- Limitations & Performance Considerations
Snowflake Role Hierarchy
- Explanation on Default Roles
- Setting up the Custom roles
- Creation of the Users
Data Share & Reader Account
- How Sharing Works
- Types of Sharing in Snowflake
- Cross region & Cross Cloud sharing
- Reader Account
- Snowflake Edition & Sharing
- Storage & Compute cost
- Limitations with Sharing
- SNOWSQL Installation Steps
- Automating/Configuring the Snowsql config file
- Expalantion on the Commands
Bulk/Batch Data Load(Stages)
- Overview of Data loading
- Understand Stage Concept
- Internal & External Stages
- Data Loading Features
- Data Loading consideration
- Bulk Load using Copy command
Loading Data from Azure
- Azure Self Registration
- Data loading from Azure to Snowflake
Continuous Data Load
- Overview of Continuous Data Loading
- SnowPipe Hands On
- Continuous Data loading consideration
External Table & Data Load
- External Table Architecture
- SQL Constructs + Options
- Query External Data
- External Table Partition
- External Table Auto Refresh
- External Table Information Schema
Stored Procedures
- Stored procedures
- Stored Procedure with Java Script
- Stored Procedure with SQL
- User Defined Functions
- Scenarios
Snowflake Stream Objects
- How does Stream Work
- Types of Stream + SQL construct
- How to consume stream data
- Stream & External Table
- Cloning Stream
- Offset Concept + Data Retention Parameters
- Limitations of Streams
Snowflake Task Objects
- How does Task object work
- Task SQL constructs & Scheduling
- Server less Task & Non server less Task
- Stream & Task together
- Cloning & Task
- Task Tree(Vs DAC)
- Task Limitations
Snowflake Information Schema
- Detailed Explanation about Information Schema
ETL in Snowflake (Stream & Task)
- How Tasks work with Stream
- Understand system$stream_has_data
- CDC & Delta Processing
- Merge statements
- End to End Data Flow
Clustering Concepts
- Data Clustering
- Calculation of Clustering Depth
Types of Caching & Query History
- Caching
- History of Queries
Snowflake Monitoring & Billing
Snowflake Snowsight
- Detailed Explanation about Snowflake Snowsight
Data Load through any ETL(FiveTran/Talend)
- Data load process from any ETL tool to Snowflake
PowerBI Connection
- PowerBI Snowflake Connection Setup